Farinhas & Levedura

Weight: 1Kg Almond flour has all the nutritional properties of almonds. It results from the grinding of almonds with skin, being excellent for all culinary uses: making low carb bread, confectionery, cakes, fillings, pies, pastries, quiches, porridge, croquettes, etc. It has a great flavor and increases the protein content of any preparation, as well as...
Weight: 1Kg It has a mild and delicious flavor and is a 100% natural and organic flour. Very easy to use and versatile, it is excellent for cashew lovers to explore all gastronomic aspects.       
Price per Kg Chickpea flour, being produced from the grain, has high nutritional value, being an excellent source of vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins. It can be a healthy alternative to traditional wheat flour, and can be used in various preparations: cakes, cookies, quiches, pies, fillings, etc.                
Weight: 1Kg Coconut flour is a flour with high nutritional value, rich in fiber and naturally gluten free. It has a pleasant flavor and is Low Carb (low in Carbohydrates), which makes it popular and a must-have in Slimming, Low Carb and Paleo diets. Excellent in virtually all culinary uses: breads, cakes, pancakes, fillings and sweets in general....
Weight: 1Kg Corn flour results from the grinding of selected corn grains. It has a naturally sweet taste and soft yellow color, giving a light and fluffy texture to breads and cakes.        
Weight: 1Kg It is a flour that comes from the milling of the whole grain, so it is naturally rich in nutrients and of high nutritional value. Excellent to use in cakes, pancakes, pasta, bread, giving a light and fluffy texture. It is a naturally gluten-free flour, so it is suitable for celiacs and gluten-free diets.            
Weight: 1Kg Flaxseed flour results from the grinding of golden flaxseeds. Rich in fiber, phytosterols, omega 3 and omega 6, so their regular consumption prevents cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, and can be an important ally in weight loss, as well as regularization of intestinal transit. In fact, the flour is of greater nutritional interest...
Weight: 1Kg This flour results from the grinding of dried green bananas, which have not undergone the ripening process, having been dehydrated and finely ground. This results in a flour with different characteristics: it has a high concentration of resistant starch and fiber (9.3g) with a prebiotic effect, promoting good intestinal function, helping to...
Weight: 1Kg Nutritional Yeast is a fantastic Super Food, a source of high quality and bioavailability proteins, as well as B group vitamins, which makes it one of the richest foods on the planet. It is produced in a controlled environment, from the primary yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in purified beet molasses, being subsequently inactivated and dried....
Weight: 1Kg Gluten-free Oat Flour is a wholemeal flour, with a low glycemic index, rich in fiber and free from gluten contamination. Obtained from the grinding of whole oat grains, in order to preserve the high nutritional value of this cereal.              
Weight: 1Kg Spelt Flour is a variety of ancestral wheat (red wheat), originating in Southeast Asia. It is rich in fiber and of high nutritional value, with a slightly sweet and smooth flavor, reminiscent of a walnut flavor. It is also recommended for those who want to reduce gluten consumption, as it has less gluten than wheat flour. You can replace...
Weight: 1Kg Polvilho Doce is a flour that comes from Mandioca. It has become very popular in gluten-restricted diets, Paleo diets and is an excellent choice for coeliacs. It has complex carbohydrates and gives an excellent sweet taste and good consistency.          
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